Sunday, October 25, 2009

Glamour's Glory Days

I love old Hollywood. The stars of the day knew how to dress and knew how to carry themselves. We don’t see that so much anymore, and it makes me sad. Celebrities today just don’t seem to put forth the effort that was expected back then. I’ve often wondered if that’s why many of us regular folks just don’t make the effort anymore. Or is it vice-versa?

There’s something to be said for putting forth effort. I’m amazed (and skeptical) when someone tells me they simply don’t care how they look. For good or bad, our appearance is the first thing people notice about us; call me shallow, but I believe trying to look one’s best is important.

I also believe that what’s on the outside is an indication of what’s going on inside. Think about it: what’s your initial thought when you see someone who’s sporting ill-fitting sweatpants and flip-flops?

Carriage is also important. While I commend First Lady Michelle Obama and her handlers for attempting to present her as a fashionista, I can’t help but wish she’d stand up straight. Poor posture is an insult - to ourselves and to our clothing.

Back in the day, we wouldn’t see Audrey Hepburn walking barefoot across a gas station parking lot in a pair of cut-off jeans. We wouldn’t see Ava Gardner in a slogan t-shirt. And something tells me that Sophia Loren always remembered to wear underwear out in public.

You could blame today’s paparazzi, tabloid press, and “reality TV” for giving us easier access to our stars. Consider this, though: everyone in show biz has a handler and someone to take care of their PR. Jennifer Aniston is still getting press for being dumped by Brad Pitt, yet we’re finding precious little new information about the David Letterman scandal. I think the folks who continuously grace the magazine covers know exactly what they’re doing – perhaps that’s why those Kardashian girls are the hottest thing going right now in spite of the fact that they haven’t actually done anything.

Old Hollywood offered us an air of mystic. Today, everyone –celebrity or not – possesses a willingness to purge even the most personal of details. To me, mystic is a vital component to glamour, and glamour is something we’re missing as a society. Celebrities don’t have the only claim to glamour, though; we ‘common folks’ can just as easily adopt it in our manner of dress, behavior, and discretion.

I’d like to start a movement to bring glamour back. Let’s say sayonara to those reality shows and make our celebrities work for us by giving us true entertainment in the form of movies, music, and television shows. Let’s insist that because we’re making an effort to look great and behave ourselves, they must, too.

Who’s with me?


  1. I loved this post! It's sad and true. Old Hollywood glam was founded on morals. Celebrities were highly esteemed and fondly remembered. Now people are desperate to be famous, regardless of how desperate they appear. Look at the "balloon hoax" family. I'm with you. The world needs more Audrey!

  2. I enjoy reading your blog and liked this post! I hope I am doing my part to help bring glamour back.

    ~ Hannah Glenn

