Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Taking Inventory

Well, Sweeties (sigh), now that the beautiful insanity of the holiday season has finally come to an end, I thought it would be a good time to take a bit of inventory.  I’ve checked closets (which are now clean) and kitchen pantries (which are not clean).  I’ve rearranged furniture and rid my home of items that no longer serve me in order to make room for items that do (thank you, Santa!).  I’ve semi-fasted, semi-jogged, and am semi-eating organically.

I guess you could say I’m semi-ready for new beginnings.

I don’t make resolutions and I certainly don’t encourage you to do so.  Intentions are more my bag, for I find that I’m more accountable when I intend to do something rather than when I resolve to do it.   Does that make sense?  I didn’t think so….

2012 proved to be an interesting year for me.  I think I experienced some sort of an awakening.  Things that bugged me this time last year don’t seem to bug me anymore.  For example:

-I actually enjoy a bit of chaos with regard to my work schedule.  Need a dress for tonight’s party?  No problem!  Need to drop your child off for additional tutoring?  Do it! Need to reschedule your appointment?  No problem – how does Thursday work for you?   I’m not too terribly bound by a set schedule these days. 

-Sometimes taking a stand for what you feel is right can lead to one big goose egg.  I’ve learned not to expel too much energy trying to right the wrongs of others;   I’m learning to simply trust that the powers-that-be will fix things that need fixing, especially when it comes to dark forces that are beyond my power – or mental grasp.

-  My subscription to Vogue has expired, and I’ve yet to renew it.  I’ve collected the fashion bible for many years, but honestly –I just can’t wrap my head around Anna Wintour’s game anymore.  Yes, fashion is important, but I like real fashion for real people and want to save real money when styling myself and others.  I don’t need Vogue, or any other fashion mag, telling me what the trends are – I’d prefer to make my own.

-Sitting and staring off into space is cool.  I no longer set the timer while I do it (‘Oh, gosh!  Timer’s gone off. I must get started on (insert random, usually work-related activity here’).

Balance, I suppose, is what’s been lacking in my inventory.  A clean and orderly closet in which to store my beloved wardrobe is important.  An organized kitchen pantry?  Not so much.  Time to sit quietly with a cup of tea and enjoy good music – important.  Sitting at the table with a stack of fashion magazines while jotting down notes – not so much.  Going to bed early and enjoying a solid night’s sleep – important.  Hitting community do’s in order to hobnob with folks whose ideals may or may not be aligned with mine – not so much.

Sweet simplicity.

Take an inventory, and see if you’ve got it.  If so, well done!  If not, think about it….
Beth Newman
Look, feel, and LIVE your absolute best!