Saturday, August 28, 2010

August's Nutshell

Over coffee this morning, I reviewed the month of August in order to determine if I’d learned any lessons or discovered something fabulous. Did I find amusement in unexpected places? Was I pleasantly surprised at any point? The answer to all of the above is a resounding ‘yes’, so here I go with my so-called epiphanies:

You can’t tell me that negative energy doesn’t profoundly affect people, places, and things. I think a whole darn building could rot when old, negative vibes aren’t shooed away and replaced by happy and healthy ones.

Sometimes, situations really do come full circle. Familiar faces from long ago might appear in the most surprising venues.

Those little Ped socks, when worn over carefully moisturized toes at night, can save a pedicure without burning you up in your sleep.

Can a cat suffer from male-pattern baldness? The jury’s still out, but so far, all signs point to ‘yes’.

As much as one would like to assume that certain people have changed, evidence, unfortunately, reveals otherwise (although we still must remain hopeful for positive change and remain mindful of the fact that there is power in leading by example). On the other hand, those who may have been written off as lost causes might just step up to the plate and, in their own weird way, try to make amends for past dirty deeds.

I am truly overwhelmed by the support and loving vibes I get from people each day. Please know that I send that support and love right back to you!

Gary Stewart was one of the most underrated honky-tonk singers around.

And that, dear friends, is my August in a nutshell!

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