Friday, September 17, 2010

The World Keeps Turning...Or Not

Well, the world stopped turning today.

Of course, I don’t mean literally. After fifty-five years, the CBS soap, As the World Turns, came to an end.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Although I’ve enjoyed the show sporadically over the years, its demise didn’t knock me to my knees in grief they way last year’s cancellation of Guiding Light did. Guiding Light was family; As the World Turns merely friends you always enjoyed seeing on occasion.

My interest reignited when I learned a few months back of the show’s imminent departure from daytime. And I have to hand it to the powers that be: it ended on a far better note than that of my beloved Guiding Light. Not only were veteran cast members utilized in interesting and even surprising ways, the show brought back some old favorites (including a guest appearance by Julianne Moore, who got her start on ATWT). The tribute to Helen Wagner and her character, Nancy Hughes, brought tears to my eyes. The finale centered on the retirement of Dr. Bob Hughes, which I thought a nice touch.

Of course, now the big question is this: which soap will I jump to next? I can’t seem to wean myself from the genre, but I’ve no clue where I’ll get my daytime drama fix!

If Rick Springfield reprises his role of Dr. Noah Drake on General Hospital, I’ll definitely go there. Perhaps I’ll trek over to Genoa City for some Young and The Restless. They have Newmans there, so I’m sure I’ll feel right at home.

I fear, though, that soap operas may soon be a thing of the past, and that makes me sad. I spent my childhood watching ATWT and GL with my mother. During college, my friends and I arranged our class schedules so as not to miss one second of each show. As twenty-something singletons, no matter how late at night my sister and I would get in from doing heaven knows what, we’d always watch ‘our stories’ together before drifting off to sleep.

With that being said, thank you, As the World Turns, for always being there for me…even during those times I totally ignored you. Sorry for that - I will miss you!

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